“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” Proverbs 12:25

Did you know that you are potentially the source of someone’s healing today? You can do it with a good word from your mouth. Modern, technologically-savvy society is lacking one main thing: real human concern and contact. It is the disease of the old nature, corrupted in the separation of our original parents from their Father-Creator in Eden, to always think of “me” first. The problem with me-first thinking and living is that it isolates human beings from one another. Interconnectedness, community relations and communication with others are essential for humans to thrive. If we are all about our pain, our problem, our goal, our gifts, our this and our that only, it’s like falling down the rabbit hole in the story of Alice in Wonderland. In Lewis Carroll’s famous fantasy a little girl chases an anxious white rabbit into a hole in the ground and finds herself captive in a strange land the wonder of which soon turned to terror and danger. At the end, Alice is awakened by her sister to find that it was all a bad dream. Alice’s white rabbit is a nervous, anxiety-ridden little creature constantly pulling out his pocketwatch and muttering to himself about the pressure of his commitments and the fact that he is late for a very important date. “No time to say hello---goodbye! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!”

Worldwide statistics on stress show that anxiety is the root of physical and mental illness. Anxiety neutralizes willingness to take on new and creative endeavors, creates job burnout in 25-40% of US workers and stress related depression is predicted to be the leading occupational disease of the 21st century. Depression is the leading factor for absenteeism from the workplace. Anxiety is addictive, cumulative and 50% of health insurance costs, medical expenses, absenteeism and compensation claims in the U.S. are for people who report stress as a major factor. Changes in the modern workplace have created an impact on our relationships within our personal and extended community, within families, between parents and their children. The six leading causes of death in the U.S.: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, liver cirrhosis and suicide are all linked to stress. Even immune deficiency, memory loss and obesity have been found to be fruit of deep anxiety.

Christians have a relationship that is deeper, stronger, more personal and more helpful than even the closest family member or friend. We have the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through our salvation in relationship with God in Christ, the Holy Spirit is the Creator Spirit who is our moment-to-moment, living, breathing, personal connection to God. Through Him we can have peace that passes understanding and we become peace for others who don’t have or have momentarily lost their connection. Receive the good word of God today and give a good word to someone else. You possess healing for your own heart from the word of God and relationship with Him. And you have a word of healing for someone else weighed down by life’s pressures.

Proverbs 12:18 “…the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
Take a few minutes today to read Proverbs chapter 12. Also read and know....... 1 Peter 5:6,7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.
Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body.

Speak life and reap what you sow!! Blessings Pastor Taylor


Our Valentines Day dinner was wonderful, thanks for bringing all the food and laughter! We are praying about moving into a new Church building, so join with us and lift us up in prayer for a new building where God wants and for it to be debt free! Also please pray for the family of James Mayes as they press through with faith and love at his passing.

Military news
We have sent over 50 bibles to our service men and women overseas, as well as gift boxes. Also we have sent out 100 Christmas cards to our veterans. God Bless Our Troops!!! Please pray for John and Ed.