I just want to praise the Lord God for healing my heart. Here is my story in short: I took so much heart medicne, and still had chest pain if I did much of anything. I had a stent put in but I still lived in fear, I was afraid to watch my grandchildren; what if I had a heart attack while they where there. It was terrible, I really didn't live, I was waiting to die. The doctor told me if I did everything he said he could get me maybe eight to ten more years. Well the Lord asked me one day, so you think I'm a lier? I said of course not Lord, why would you say that? Because I said you where healed by Jesus Christs stripes! I told Him my life was in His hands, He quickly said: then rebuke that spirit of fear! I did, and the pain left instantly! And I have not had any pain again sence then!! I have not taken one heart pill after that. That was ten year ago! I was given a complete physical (ekg) everything, and they gave me a clean bill of health! God is in charge of us peroid. His words bring life, light, hope and yes joy! I now live a full life in the light of Gods truth, I was healed by Jesus Christs stripes. Fear God and nothing elce! Sherrie T. from Mt.Erie IL.